Calendula officinalis
Some facts
- Annual, herbaceous
- Grows 12-15 inches with bright orange and yellow flowers which bloom from early summer to frost.
- Prefers full sun, and will grow in almost any type of soil as long as it is not overly moist.
- You can companion plant them into your garden around plants you don’t want to be attacked by pests.
- Harvest the flowers before they go to seed to use as medicine. By constantly picking the flowers when in full bloom this allows for more flowers to form.
- Flowers can be used fresh or dried.
- Used as: an infusion, traditional tincture, compress, poultice, medicinal food, ointment, salve, bath herb, infused oil
- Benefits: Calendula is great for healthy skin. Burns, including sunburn, Conjunctivitis, Eczema, Gastritis and chronic ulcers, Inflamed and sore eyes, Jaundice, Warts, Minor injuries/wounds, Cramps, Coughs, Pain and reducing swelling caused by the sting of a wasp or bee, Snake bites, Sprains and wounds, Varicose veins
Matricaria recutita
Some facts
- German Chamomile can grow up to 24 inches
- White daisy like flowers bloom from early summer to the end of the season
- Likes full sun to partial shade, and grows best in well drained soil.
- Harvest flowers during the blooming season (only flowers are used) can be used fresh or dried.
- Uses: infusion, traditional tincture, compress, poultice, ointment, salve, sleep pillow, honey.
- Benefits: Chamomile is a sedative and nervine herb. It has calming, soothing and anti-inflammatory actions. Promotes sleep, digestion, healthy skin and is great for children.
Mentha piperita
Some facts
- Herbaceous perennial in zones 5-9
- Purple flowers bloom in mid to late summer
- Likes full sun, partial shade, shade and grows well in most soils.
- Aerial parts are cut at any point in the growing season. Harvesting right before it flowers gives a sweeter taste. Use fresh or dried.
- Uses: infusion, traditional tincture, compress, medicinal food, ointment, salve, bath herb, sleep pillow, honey.
- Benefits: Peppermint is great for every part of the body. The digestive tract, respiratory tract, muscular system, and women’s reproductive system. It can be used to relieve pain, winter illnesses and children’s health concerns.
Scutellaria species
Some facts
- A herbaceous perennial in zones 4-8
- Height 8-24 inches
- Flowers are light blue-purple and appear in mid to late summer
- Likes water and moist areas
- Full sun- partial shade, well drained moist soil
- Harvest aerial parts about three inches from the ground, when herb is in full flower
- Uses: traditional tincture and infusion
- Benefits: it is a nervine and sedative that relieves stress, anxiety, and pain while nourishing the nervous system
Melissa officinalis
Some facts
- A herbaceous perennial in zones 4-9
- Height 24 inches
- Flowers are white but not showy
- Prefers warm climate that is not too wet
- Full sun partial shade, well drained soil
- Harvest aerial parts of the upper half of the plant any time during the growing season. It will quickly regenerate to allow for several harvest cuts through out the season.
- Uses: Infusion, traditional tincture, ointment, bath herb, cream, salve, compress, poultice, syrup, lozenge
- Benefits: Great for the whole body, children’s health, winter illness, immune booster, stress reliever, pain reliever, and helpful to the digestive system.
Anethum graveolens
Some facts
- Annual Herbaceous
- 3 to 5 feet high
- Large umbels of small yellow flowers, blooming from mid to late summer
- Full sun and well drained soil
- Harvest aerial parts of the plants, leaves are best before the plant goes to flower. Seeds can be used once flower has turned to seed.
- Uses: Infusion, traditional tincture, medicinal food
- Benefits: Dill is great for discomforts with poor digestive function
Origanum vulgare
Some facts
- Perennial Herbaceous zones 5-9
- 24 inches in height
- Lavender flowers from mid to late summer
- Full sun, partial shade well drained soil
- Harvest aerial parts of the plant 3 inches from bottom at anytime during the summer, best before plant is in flower.
- Uses: Infusion, traditional tincture, medicinal food, ointment, salve, foot soak, bath herb, infused oil
- Benefits: a powerful medicinal food helps support the digestive system, use during the winter season helps support the immune system. Oregano has antiseptic properties which help with skin concerns
Thymus vulgaris
Some facts
- Perennial herbaceous zones 5-9
- 12-15 inches in height
- flowers bloom through out the summer and can vary in colour from purple, pink or white
- Full sun, partial shade well drained and somewhat dry soil
- Harvest the aerial parts at any time during the summer, 3 inches from bottom of plant, best before plant flowers.
- Uses: Infusion, traditional tincture, compress, poultice, lozenge, ointment, salve, cream, balm, foot soak, bath herb, infused oil, medicinal food
- Benefits: an immune system support, great for winter illness, great for digestive and respiratory system support, sore muscles, throat concerns, skin health and nervous system
Rosmarinus species
Some Facts
- Perennial herbaceous zones 8-11
- 12-36 inches but can grow considerably taller with age
- Blue flowers bloom when the plant starts to experience cooler night time temperatures
- Full sun well drained soil
- Aerial parts are harvested through out growing season, leaves are best before flowering, multiple harvest will be possible if you take care with harvesting and harvest no more then ¼ of the plant
- Uses: Infusion, traditional tincture, compress, lozenge, medicinal food, ointment, salve, foot soak, bath herb, infused oil
- Benefits: great source of antioxidants, immune booster, helps the digestive system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, used for skin and brain health
Petroselinum crispum
Some Facts
- Biennial herbaceouse zones 5-8
- 12- 20 inches in height
- White flowers near the end of the second year
- Full sun, partial shade, no special soil needs
- Harvest aerial parts at any point during the growing season
- Uses: Infusion, decoction, traditional tincture, medicinal food
- Benefits: medicinal food helpful to the digestive system and urinary tract, full of antioxidants
Ocimum species
Some facts
- Annual herbaceous
- 15 inches in height
- Pink to purple flowers
- Full sun, well drained soil
- Harvest aerial parts through out the growing season, best before flowering and can be harvest on a weekly or biweekly schedule
- Uses: Medicinal food, infused oil
- Benefits: Supports the digestive system
Coriandrum sativum
Some facts
- Annual herbaceous
- 10 –12 inches in height
- White flowers appear as temperature warms
- Full sun, partial shade, shade, no special soil conditions
- Harvest aerial parts, leaves best before flower, seeds when plant has gone to seed
- Uses: medicinal food
- Benefits: supports the digestive system
Nepeta cataria
Some facts
- Perennial herbaceous zones 3-7
- 15- 24 inches
- White to purple flowers
- Full sun, partial shade, shade no special soil requirements
- Harvesting of aerial parts cut plant 4 inches from ground, leaves best before flowering. Can provide several harvest cuts through out the growing season.
- Uses: Infusion, traditional tincture, compress, poultice, medicinal food, salve, foot soak, bath herb, sleep pillow
- Benefits: Helps support the nervous system, pain relief, stress relief, children’s ailments, teething, digestive tract support, winter illnesses
Salvia officinalis
Some facts
- Perennial herbaceous 4-8
- 24 inches
- Purple flowers
- Full sun, well drained soil
- Aerial parts harvested through out the growing season, harvest only the upper half of the plant for quick regeneration.
- Uses: infusion, traditional tincture, compress, poultice, medicinal food, salve, bath herb, infused oil
- Benefits: used for digestive and respiratory concerns, throat conditions, skin and hair health, winter illnesses, medicinal food
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